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How to start a small business?


Creating a small company ( a brand , a business service company , a private security company , a clothing store ) first requires finding an idea to develop.

Step 1: How to find an idea to develop?

In order to find a business creation idea , you can base yourself on:

New trends: they allow you to find an idea that has not yet been exploited;

Your current activity: you can develop an activity that is in the same vein as your current job. This technique is widely used, since it assumes that the entrepreneur already knows his future activity. A pharmacist, for example, can easily turn to opening a pharmacy .

Please note : in the case where the employee is under a non-competition clause after leaving the company, he must wisely choose an activity which will not be detrimental to him vis-à-vis his former employer.

Step 2: Test your business idea

Indeed, testing the reliability of your project is essential before launching. Concretely, this involves putting yourself in the shoes of an investor and asking yourself, as honestly as possible, the same questions as them, such as:

“Does the fixed idea meet a specific need? » ;

“Is the defined need common or limited to a category of people? » ;

“Will users agree to pay for this type of service? “.

At the end of this test, the idea may be confirmed, refuted or partially validated with a need for readjustment.

In the event that this project only receives favorable responses to the questions above, the next step for this small business would be to carry out a market study .

Step 3: Do market research

This phase is crucial since it makes it possible to define the bases of the project , in particular its feasibility. Indeed, it is during this stage that the entrepreneur defines the strengths and weaknesses of his project.

Not only does it set the hypotheses on the idea of ​​creation , but it also previews its turnover. To be honest, he plans to realize his idea.

Step 4: Establish a business plan

The business plan is an important document. It is thanks to him that it is possible to obtain financing from investors . In particular, it is written to reflect:

The purpose of the company and the development strategy;

The target of the company thanks to the market study;

Its creation-manufacturing process;

Its planned turnover and financial needs to achieve it;

The assessed market share.

Armed with the business plan, the future entrepreneur can then seek financing .

Step 5: Find financing

Just like a larger company, a small business requires initial financing .

Internal  : it consists of bringing together the contributions of the partners  ;

External  : it can be obtained through crowdfunding  ;

Banking  : these are loans or credits  ;

Government : brings together state aid (ACRE, NACRE, etc.).

Step 6: The final steps

To create your small business, you will then need:

Choose your premises : it could be the company’s head office  ;

Register the name or brand ;

Write and register the statutes ;

Register the small business : registration is done with the competent CFE and will allow it to appear on the official registers corresponding to its activity (RCS, RM, RNE, special directory for commercial agents, specific directory of liberal professions).

Zoom : Also, when you want to create your small business, a certain number of formalities must be respected. In order to simplify your procedures and avoid any errors, LegalPlace offers its help to support you in the process of creating your small business ! This solution will allow you to concentrate exclusively on launching your business.

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